14 Favorite Marketing Tools Our Group Loves

The best way to find out about new marketing tools is to ask other marketing people to list their favorites. (Even better if you ask them over coffee.)

At the end of the year I asked a group of top marketers in the Microsoft Dynamics channel what tools they had loved in 2016. I admit that half of the answers were programs I had never used before.

Perhaps there is a new tool on this list for you too.  

  1. Zoom.us – super easy web/video conferencing without all the hassles.
  2. WriterAccess.com – find freelance writers.
  3. Maplytics - a simple mapping add-on for Dynamics CRM that plots where all of your clients are, can tell you who is nearby to a visit, helps you plan where to go on a trip or where there are concentrations so you can hold events.
  4. Eloqua - for forms and landing pages.
  5. SocialJuke Box – magic social media post recycler.
  6. PowerBI - cool business analytics tools.
  7. Google Analytics App in Power BI- Power BI dashboard and a set of Power BI reports that provide insights about your site traffic and user dimensions.
  8. SharpSpring – a mini marketing automation system.
  9. HubSpot's Blog Topic Generator – get some fresh topic ideas.
  10. The Planner tool within Office 365 - create new plans, organize and assign tasks, share files, chat about what you’re working on, and get updates on progress.
  11. Canva.com – super easy online graphic design program (even for the non-creative types).
  12. Basecamp - organized way to manage projects and communicate with your team.
  13. Hootsuite.com – manage/schedule social media updates.

What favorite marketing tool could you add to this list?

By Anya Ciecierski, Collaboration Works Marketing


Follow me on Twitter: @AnyaCWMktg