My Best Blogging Tip You Think You Have Never Heard

I feel like I tell this tip all the time.  Yet every time I say it people are still amazed and act like they have never heard it before. So, I’ll just keep saying it. This is the fastest way to write a blog post.  Ready? 1) Record 2) Transcribe 3) Edit. I have done it hundreds of times. Here are my specific tips to make it easy.

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Lessons I Learned In the Press Room at Microsoft Convergence

The first time I was invited to attend Microsoft Convergence as a member of “The Press” in 2012 I was scared to death. 

 I found myself in a room of about 50 very seasoned, mostly male, journalists firing tough questions at Microsoft’s top executives. I remember wondering, “How in the world did I get in here and when is someone going to realize I don’t belong?” 

 But nobody called my bluff and in fact, they continued to invite me back year after year.

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