An Easy Way to Generate More Content with Less Work – Blog Rewrite Service

So many blog sites, so little time. Everyone wants original content, but there is only so much time in the day for writing.

When you spend the time researching and crafting a great blog post it is tempting to post it on more than one site. But that little voice in your head should remind you that duplicate content is bad; search engines don’t like duplicate content and it will not improve your SEO.

If you plan to use the same content on multiple blog sites, it should be rewritten it so that the content is fresh. This does not just mean changing the title and a few sentences.

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How Can Make Anyone a Graphic Designer – Even Me

I will tell you a secret: I am a marketer who hates working with graphics. But recently I found a tool that makes working with other types of images much easier. lets me to “pretend” to be a graphic designer, without really knowing anything about graphics or design. I can create my own images, with graphics and text and then download them for free to use in blog posts, on Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn and more.

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